The Villanueva's

First and Foremost Undeniable Props go to everyone who shares my blood in name and in heart. I will ALWAYS love you no matter what we go through,  and never forget, I will always think of you.

Never without a moment in my life have I ever been more proud to share that name.

God may takes us apart, give us different roads/ paths to follow, but not even God can take you away from my heart. May one day in this life or in the next, we will sit at the table of our name and share the lives we lived.

 The Antigua's

You are the name of my Mother and forever will I praise that as my middle name.

You are the heart and soul of my Mother and like no other, have you given me a Mother I will forever owe my life to. And as the same as my father's name sake so shall we sit at the table of our name and share the lives we lived. 

There are many families that bare that name I have yet to meet and for that understand I am making it a mission in my life to meet you.

 My Brothers

You are the ones who raised me. I am a reflection of your teachings. Tough love & harsh lessons but also the reason why I push myself to be even better than I believe to be.

Each of you have raised me in different ways.

- Edgar
More than you can imagine, have you influenced me on how I live my life. Because of you, I know more about living through Karate. Seeing you live your dreams, regardless of how ridiculous everyone believes them to be, makes me believe that anything is possible. Even if i don't show you the respect that I show my other brothers you are forever my kuya. 

- Ernie
You have shown me so many tricks of the trade and no matter how many tricks you learn, there will be even more trades to have. Even if at times you lead by mistakes, never says that I or You do not learn from them. Good or bad you are an example of what to or not to do.

Never call you Eug or as mom calls you Eu-gen-o (U-Hen-Yo)  always Gene/ Geno.  You are the one who got all the looks, and knew how to use them. But it's not what you raised me to be. You were the one who would be there for me. Even if you were incredibly busy in your life, you would still find time to play with your little brother. You showed me the love & respect to share to all that follow in the same light of where I was.

You are the reason I been able to stay out of trouble, well at least the better part of it anyway. You showed that even though we make mistakes, we should get the punishment that fits the crime. Growing up I've learned to love and hate that about you. But it is the simple ethics of law and order, the sole reason you carry the shield. I will NEVER forget that. 
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